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Urban Teacher Education
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A collection of resources or links to other web sites.

  • Alternative Certification Program
    The program is a collaborative effort between the Hamilton County Schools and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga specifically designed to meet areas of critical teaching shortage in the Hamilton County Schools. Individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree in math, science, foreign language, or have content courses applicable for special education may become licensed to teach in an accelerated and supported cohort program.
  • Alternative Teacher Program Trains Hundreds in Ga.
    An alternative teacher-preparation program piloted in Georgia intended to yield 200 applicants, drew thousands of inquiries, overwhelming and delighting administrators trying to alleviate a severe teacher shortage.
  • AmeriCorps - Urban Education Service Corps (UESC).
    Professional Development Initiatives. The Nation's Voice for Urban Education, Council of Great City School.Seven urban school district and college of education partnerships, reflective of the regional and demographic diversity of the Great City Schools and the Great City Colleges, have participated in The Urban Education Service Corps (UESC) project.
  • Digital Equity Tool Kit
    The Digil Equity Toolkit points educators to free, high quality resources that help address the digital divide in the classroom and community.
  • Gangs Research
    Several abstracts from journal articles on gangs.
  • Mediating Boundaries of Race, Class and Professional Authority as a Critical Multiculturalist
    This article presents one professor's reflections on the challenges of mediating the boundaries of race, class and professional authority in an undergraduate multicultural education course (abstract from article).You must register (free) on the site to review the article.
  • National Center on Public Education and Social Policy
    The National Center on Public Education and Social Policy (NCPE) at the University of Rhode Island is dedicated to the continuous improvement of educational and community settings. The web site provides information for decision-making to promote the growth and healthy development of all children.
  • Other People's Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom
    This collection of nine essays suggests that many academic problems attributed to children of color actually stem from a power structure in which the worldviews of those with privelege are taken as the only reality, while the worldviews and culture of those less powerful are dismissed as inconsequential or deficient.
  • Supporting Beginning Teachers
    Twenty to 30 percent of new teachers leave the field within 3 years, 9.3 percent do not even make it through their first year, and after 5 years 50 percent have left teaching. Unlike most other fields, in which new hires spend years training and building up to more challenging assignments, first-year teachers are generally expected to take on the same duties and responsibilities as people who have been teaching 20 years.
  • The Center for Urban Education
    The Center for Urban Education (CUE) is a research and action center whose mission is to conduct research that will result in the creation of enabling institutional environments for children, youth, and adults from socially and economically disenfranchised groups residing in urban settings.
  • The National Institute for Urban School Improvement
    The National Institute for Urban School Improvement focuses on three strategies that are essential to the urban school reform agenda: (1) link existing education reform networks with special education networks; (2) build information systems that assist leadership teams in both focusing on goals for instructional, curricular, and cultural improvement and empowering action research agendas among school professionals; and (3) synthesizes existing research into accessible media, both print and electronic.
  • The Souls of Black Folk
    First published in 1903, this extraordinary work not only recorded and explained history, it helped to alter its course. Written after Du Bois had earned a Ph.D.