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Urban Teacher Education
part of the Education Reform Network
Urban Teacher Education logo

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An event is a non-persistent, time-basedoccurrence. Metadata for an event provides descriptive informationthat is the basis for discovery of the purpose, location, duration,responsible agents, and links to related events and resources. Theresource of type event may not be retrievable if the describedinstantiation has expired or is yet to occur. Examples - exhibition,web-cast, conference, workshop, open-day, performance, battle, trial,wedding, tea-party, conflagration.

  • Georgetown - Office of Curriculum and Pedagogy (OCP), within the Center for Social Justice
    Within the Center for Social Justice, the Office of Curriculum and Pedagogy assumes three major responsibilities. (1) To promote, expand, and integrate community-based intellectual work within the curriculum.
  • The National Institute for Urban School Improvement
    The National Institute for Urban School Improvement focuses on three strategies that are essential to the urban school reform agenda: (1) link existing education reform networks with special education networks; (2) build information systems that assist leadership teams in both focusing on goals for instructional, curricular, and cultural improvement and empowering action research agendas among school professionals; and (3) synthesizes existing research into accessible media, both print and electronic.