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Urban Teacher Education
part of the Education Reform Network
Urban Teacher Education logo


  • Digital Equity Tool Kit
    The Digil Equity Toolkit points educators to free, high quality resources that help address the digital divide in the classroom and community.
  • Houston Consortium Of Urban Professional Development And Technology Centers
    A consortium of nine institutions including the University of Houston and the Houston Independent School District to produce teachers who are effective in culturally diverse urban environments.
  • Implementing distance learning in urban schools.
    This digest discusses how urban schools can implement effective distance learning programs through customized development of the three elements crucial to a successful distance education program: a sound instructional design; appropriate technology applications; and support for teachers, students, and collaborative partners (Steiner, 1999).
  • School and Preservice Program Quality Survey
    This is a FREE online survey that you can use to assess school and preservice program "quality of life in the workplace." It was developed by the National Institute for Community Innovations based on work from Hawaii.