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United Nations
ADL's Collection of Educational and Anti-Bias Resources
The full complement of educational materials, videos, posters, curriculum guides and books available from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is now accessible in catalogue form. Updated to include the most current ADL educational and resource material, ADL Resources for Classroom and Community is being distributed to schools, parents, organizations and communities.
Cities of Today, Cities of Tomorrow!
The Cities project is an interactive programme brought to you by the United Nations CyberSchoolBus. Its six intense units of clear writing, exciting information and great images give you the best overview of urbanization-its history, its potential, its problems.
Doing Good: Best Practices List
The top 105 Best Practices as chosen by the Technical Advisory Committee of the UN in Rotterdam, March 1996. The best practices are presented by category, and within each category, by region and by country in alphabetical order.