Urban Network to Improve Teacher Education logo
Urban Teacher Education
part of the Education Reform Network
Urban Teacher Education logo


The following individuals and organizations are responsible for creating the Education Reform Networks:

The mission of the National Institute for Community Innovations is to foster local economic and social well-being through educational innovation, especially in economically distressed communities.

NICI's directors developed the educational vision underlying the Education Reform Networks.

Green River Data Analysis, LLC helps its clients apply Web technologies for the improvement of education, the promotion of health, and the protection of the environment.

GreenRiver.org built the software powering the EdReform Networks.

slashmedia provides visual interface design, graphic design and web programming services.

slashmedia designed this site as well as the edreform.net logo and logos for the individual portals.

Gail Granger
Gail is the EdReform network librarian, and librarian at the Chesterfield School in Chesterfield, NH.

KF Pro
Responsible for implementation of design and content maintenance.

Provided funding for the EdReform Networks.

Technology Information Challenge Grants
Provided funding for the EdReform Networks.